604-607-3822 EXT 325

Love God & Serve others with music. This is our goal as your children learn the value of music, and develop the skills to sing in an ensemble or play an instrument. Our curriculum follows the National Standards of Music, and exposes your children to a wide repertoire of music. We value each student's unique talents and strive to create a safe learning environment as they develop in their character and musicianship.
By creating a safe, consistent, and welcoming environment, FVAA music program helps to foster the confidence and curiosity of our students. Each day is enriched with hands-on experiences and group activities, providing ample opportunities for pupils to improve their knowledge-base while developing social skills. See the classes being offered at FVAA music program.

The violin program starting in September will help students build a good foundation on rhythm, pitch, and appreciation for music. Singing will also be part of our curriculum, though our main focus will be learning the violin.
The first month will be dedicated to learning parts of the instrument, care for the instrument, proper posture, holding the violin, hand position, and bow hold. Once they are able to demonstrate these during class time, they will be able to take their violins home to practice.
Students must bring their violins to school on their assigned music days. Kindergarten, and Gr.1-2 have music on Tuesday and Thursday. Gr. 3 has music on Monday and Wednesday. Please remind your children to bring their violins to school.
Parent involvement is essential for student success. Encouragement and praise toward the student will help them in their journey to learning the violin and developing an appreciation for music. It may take a couple months before they are able to make a good sound, but be patient:) Students are encouraged to practice 15 mins four days a week (at home or at school).
For those who would like to take advantage of FREE after-school group violin lessons, please email: jeanbay@fvaa.net. Each student can sign up for one or two lessons a week (depending on availability. 12 students max per group) Group violin lessons will begin on September 19. Mondays from 3:05-3:35pm, and Tuesdays &Thursdays from 3:10-3:45pm in the music portable.
Violin rentals are $110 for the entire school year (insurance, and repairs included). If you are interested in buying your own violin, please see me about the appropriate the size to buy for your child. Buying the correct size is very important. Keep in mind that your child may out grow the violin in several months (different for every child).
Parents must sign and return the violin rental contract form by Monday, Sept 11 in order for their child to take a violin home. Here are the options for payment:
1. $110 Cash
2. 10 post dated cheques to FVAA. ($11 each month)
3. Pay online through Adventist School Pay toward K-4 instrument rental
Major performances include Carolling on Dec. 19, the Christmas concert on Dec. 20, and the year-end concert on May 31.

Gr. 4
Students begin to apply their knowledge of basic rhythm, notation, and pitch on a very old instrument - the recorder. Many famous composers of the 16th and 17th century including Bach, Handel, and Telemann wrote music for the recorder.  Some students may be familiar with the tunes that they will be learning - making it exciting and fun!  There will be a strong emphasis on reading basic notation instead of playing by ear - a transition that will help them as they move on to beginning band the following year.

Gr. 5
Students are introduced to instruments in concert band. The first 6 weeks of school will be dedicated to learning about 6 main instruments: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, and snare drum. With guidance from the teacher, the student will choose an instrument that they will stick with for the remainder of the school year. We will be working with the Standard of Excellence method book to help us build a good foundation on basic notes, reading, and technique. Students are required to practice 20 mins five days a week and are expected to turn in a practice log as part of their weekly homework (35% of their grade). Instruments are available for rent at Long&McQuade (approx. $110 for the school year)
Major performances include the Christmas concert on Dec. 20, and the year end spring concert on May 31.

Gr. 6-8
A fun approach to learning music continues as students begin to sing and play music with more than one part (harmony instead of unison). Â In addition to learning more scales and pitches, the students will gain experience on musical elements such as tone, blend, dynamics, and independent lines.

Whether in band, choir, or both - students will be learning a wide variety of repertoire as they develop their musical abilities. Performances and field trips are scheduled during the school year. Also, we are going on a music tour where we have an opportunity to celebrate our growth as musicians while sharing our music with the communities around us.
Please read the band syllabus and choir syllabus for detailed information.

Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2017
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April 19-22, 2018
Victoria, BC

Thursday, May 24 @ 7pm
& Sunday, May 27 @ 2pm
Drama, Senior Band & Choir

Thursday May 31, 2018 @ 7pm
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If there’s anything you’d like to know about our programs and curriculum, please get in touch.